Long time no see! Haven't blogged in such a long time. I was really ill these past weeks and while I still went to school and worked, I just couldn't take the time to blog. Today I also skipped school because I have a headache, but just couldn't help myself. Need... to....blog.... haha
So this is actually gonna be a small "series" kind of blog. I'm going to show you how I clean my room, or in this case, my bathroom cabinet. Along with some tips, I hope this will be very interesting! As you can see from the picture above, this is my unorganised bathroom cabinet. Everything is every where, can't even reach the back. So I thought it was time to clean. Next some pictures of how it was:
Easiest thing to do: Take everything out, check to see if you own something you don't need or isn't good anymore. If you did, it should look something like this in your cabinet!
Empty never felt this good, right? I also cleaned this cabinet with water and soap, because there was body lotion and shampoo everywhere...
New order downside: Everything I need in the shower. I did put my Zwitsal body lotion below because it didn't fit anywhere else. So here I can grab everything I need in the shower, hairmask, shampoo, conditioner, body lotion.
In the middle we can find everything for the face. Scrub, toothbrush, face gel etc. On the right are things my boyfriend uses when he stays over.
And on the top: Everything for tha body. Bodylotion, body scrub, you name it! You probably might wonder where my deodorant is, but I actually keep that in my room, because I often forget to put it on when it's not in my room.
So this was #1 of my : Sorting Things Out series. Hope you'll stay tuned for the next one!